Statistics & Research about Sedalia,MO - Atra Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Sedalia,MO an area served by Atra Insurance Agency

Phone : 660-826-6678

Car dealers nearby Atra Insurance Agency

Williams Woody Nissan

Phone: 1-888-435-1274

Real estate research for area nearby Atra Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Syracuse 33,800 671 23.8
Dresden 121,100 675 6.7
White 106,800 598 6.7
Palestine 118,300 664 6.7
Leeton 65,600 636 11.6
Green Ridge 86,200 443 6.2
Kelly 79,700 638 9.6
Blackwater 118,800 902 9.1
Sedalia 88,000 660 9
Pettis County 97,100 655 8.1

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Atra Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Dresden 156300
White 76700
Leeton 97500
Green Ridge 77200
Kelly 63000
Blackwater 183800
Sedalia 85700
Pettis County 103200
Post Oak 86500
Otterville 65000
Longwood 121400
Houstonia 9999

Number of blacks in places near by Atra Insurance Agency

Place name Number of blacks
Dresden 3
Leeton 8
Green Ridge 12
Kelly 15
Sedalia 1126
Pettis County 1249
Post Oak 8
Otterville 7

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Atra Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Syracuse 33000
Dresden 148400
White 177200
Palestine 78000
Leeton 60000
Green Ridge 56000
Kelly 138600
Blackwater 111400
Sedalia 113600
Pettis County 123800
Post Oak 104400
Otterville 110000
Longwood 181300
Lake Creek 129200
Houstonia 69000