Statistics & Research about Carrollton,MO - Foy Insurance - Scarborough

Here are some statistics & research about Carrollton,MO an area served by Foy Insurance - Scarborough

306 N Mason St
Phone : 660-548-3555

Real estate research for area nearby Foy Insurance - Scarborough

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Waverly 81,600 548 8.1
Gilliam 39,400 425 12.9
Corder 49,500 548 13.3
Ray County 119,000 715 7.2
Mount Leonard 33100 NA NA
Chariton County 76,800 438 6.8
Henrietta 60,300 575 11.4
New York 87,800 538 7.4
Stokes Mound 55600 NA NA
Salt Creek 101700 NA NA

Number of old houses in places near by Foy Insurance - Scarborough

Place name Number of old houses
Waverly 80300
Gilliam 45000
Corder 44000
Ray County 85400
Mount Leonard 31900
Chariton County 49400
Henrietta 48800
New York 125000
Stokes Mound 40000
Salt Creek 51700
De Witt 106300
Braymer 57200
Elmwood 151000
Blackburn 37500

Number of vacant houses in places near by Foy Insurance - Scarborough

Place name Number of vacant houses
Waverly 40
Gilliam 40
Corder 27
Ray County 931
Chariton County 1156
Henrietta 23
New York 29
Stokes Mound 30
De Witt 50
Braymer 96
Moss Creek 18
Elmwood 19
Blackburn 14

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Foy Insurance - Scarborough

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Waverly 111700
Corder 66000
Ray County 115400
Chariton County 76000
New York 25000
De Witt 117500
Braymer 65000
Elmwood 106300
Blackburn 80000

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Foy Insurance - Scarborough

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Waverly 52
Gilliam 9
Corder 16
Ray County 1391
Mount Leonard 5
Chariton County 563
Henrietta 17
New York 17
Stokes Mound 21
Salt Creek 1
De Witt 13
Braymer 71
Moss Creek 4
Elmwood 61
Blackburn 12