Statistics & Research about Lake Ozark,MO - Krantz Insurance Group

Here are some statistics & research about Lake Ozark,MO an area served by Krantz Insurance Group

Phone : 573-964-6860

Real estate research for area nearby Krantz Insurance Group

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Auglaize 68,300 755 13.3
Franklin 112,700 544 5.8
Tavern 99,300 545 6.6
Gravois Mills 65,700 683 12.5
Versailles 62,400 516 9.9
Niangua 132,800 606 5.5
Lohman 120,600 625 6.2
Cole County 142,200 578 4.9
Russell 155,200 501 3.9
Barnett 56,500 184 3.9

Number of whites in places near by Krantz Insurance Group

Place name Number of whites
Auglaize 2831
Franklin 2703
Tavern 2869
Gravois Mills 101
Versailles 2305
Niangua 2335
Lohman 184
Cole County 63671
Russell 4071
Barnett 258
Stoutland 269
Crocker 1216
Kiheka 4607
California 4000
Brumley 177

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Krantz Insurance Group

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Auglaize 337
Franklin 277
Tavern 389
Gravois Mills 27
Versailles 384
Niangua 429
Lohman 10
Cole County 8439
Russell 830
Barnett 48
Stoutland 34
Crocker 169
Kiheka 540
California 679
Brumley 20

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Krantz Insurance Group

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Auglaize 43
Franklin 92
Tavern 62
Gravois Mills 10
Versailles 157
Niangua 105
Cole County 2674
Russell 183
Barnett 9
Stoutland 18
Crocker 59
Kiheka 118
California 148
Brumley 4

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Krantz Insurance Group

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Auglaize 83800
Franklin 90300
Tavern 75500
Gravois Mills 9999
Versailles 42800
Niangua 158700
Cole County 186600
Russell 146300
Crocker 73000
Kiheka 148700
California 77500