Statistics & Research about Osage Beach,MO - Mhq Financial Services

Here are some statistics & research about Osage Beach,MO an area served by Mhq Financial Services

Phone : 573-348-233

Real estate research for area nearby Mhq Financial Services

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Pilot Grove 151,300 675 5.4
Crocker 88,800 582 7.9
Eldridge 52,000 766 17.7
Adair 191,400 533 3.3
Tavern 99,300 545 6.6
Sunrise Beach 56,300 597 12.7
Meta 77,700 355 5.5
Osceola 182,300 682 4.5
Kiheka 132,800 570 5.2
Brumley 94800 NA NA

Number of vacant houses in places near by Mhq Financial Services

Place name Number of vacant houses
Pilot Grove 18
Crocker 64
Eldridge 43
Adair 3684
Tavern 149
Sunrise Beach 428
Meta 20
Osceola 573
Kiheka 408
Brumley 18
Village of Four Seasons 2030
Iberia 91
Camdenton 309
Bennett Springs 110

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Mhq Financial Services

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Pilot Grove 120800
Crocker 119900
Eldridge 33100
Adair 225000
Tavern 114400
Sunrise Beach 27500
Osceola 199700
Kiheka 182500
Brumley 258300
Village of Four Seasons 189700
Iberia 225000
Camdenton 169700

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Mhq Financial Services

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Pilot Grove 6
Crocker 59
Eldridge 40
Adair 588
Tavern 62
Sunrise Beach 51
Meta 12
Osceola 25
Kiheka 118
Brumley 4
Village of Four Seasons 129
Iberia 82
Camdenton 142

Number of blacks in places near by Mhq Financial Services

Place name Number of blacks
Pilot Grove 17
Adair 35
Tavern 24
Osceola 14
Kiheka 6
Camdenton 43