Statistics & Research about Benton,MO - Paul Stuckey Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Benton,MO an area served by Paul Stuckey Insurance Agency

Phone : 573-334-2600

Real estate research for area nearby Paul Stuckey Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Penn 63,300 386 7.3
Rutledge 24200 NA NA
South Gifford 27500 NA NA
Livonia 23800 NA NA
Ethel 22500 NA NA
Johnston 64400 NA NA
Scotland County 74,400 414 6.7
Lyda 67,500 600 10.7
Glenwood 65,000 394 7.3
Knox County 54,000 455 10.1

Number of whites in places near by Paul Stuckey Insurance Agency

Place name Number of whites
Penn 1248
Rutledge 249
South Gifford 35
Livonia 80
Ethel 36
Johnston 64
Scotland County 4792
Lyda 654
Glenwood 315
Knox County 3995
Walnut Creek 213
Adair County 24094
Baring 118
Eagle 429
Winigan 81

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Paul Stuckey Insurance Agency

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Penn 91
Rutledge 12
Livonia 3
Ethel 2
Scotland County 186
Lyda 20
Glenwood 19
Knox County 250
Walnut Creek 1
Adair County 1611
Baring 10

Number of new houses in places near by Paul Stuckey Insurance Agency

Place name Number of new houses
Adair County 350000

Number of blacks in places near by Paul Stuckey Insurance Agency

Place name Number of blacks
Scotland County 7
Lyda 2
Knox County 25
Walnut Creek 8
Adair County 492
Baring 6