Statistics & Research about Smithville,MO - Sharis Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Smithville,MO an area served by Sharis Insurance Agency

105 W MAIN
Phone : 816-866-4560

Car dealers nearby Sharis Insurance Agency

Kindred Chevrolet, Inc.

Kindred Chevrolet, Inc. 1105 S. 169 Highway Smithville, MO 64089
Phone: (816) 873-8360

Real estate research for area nearby Sharis Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Rayville 51,300 617 14.4
Trimble 136,700 795 7.0
St. Joseph 99,800 657 7.9
Liberty 183,300 861 5.6
Westwood Hills 353,800 1667 5.7
Agency 147,000 650 5.3
Kickapoo 190,900 1145 7.2
Elwood 56,200 531 11.3
Easton 78,500 650 9.9
Fair 214,400 1305 7.3

Number of whites in places near by Sharis Insurance Agency

Place name Number of whites
Rayville 295
Trimble 656
St. Joseph 67770
Liberty 51512
Westwood Hills 386
Agency 1025
Kickapoo 4713
Elwood 919
Easton 255
Fair 693
Knoxville 1020
Lewis and Clark Village 94
Colfax 786
Rush 668
Orrick 1173

Number of vacant houses in places near by Sharis Insurance Agency

Place name Number of vacant houses
Rayville 9
Trimble 32
St. Joseph 4205
Liberty 1293
Westwood Hills 5
Agency 43
Kickapoo 41
Elwood 35
Easton 15
Fair 16
Knoxville 29
Lewis and Clark Village 6
Colfax 15
Rush 54
Orrick 89

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Sharis Insurance Agency

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Rayville 14
St. Joseph 1147
Liberty 1348
Westwood Hills 5
Agency 6
Kickapoo 197
Elwood 4
Fair 21
Knoxville 11
Colfax 10
Rush 14
Orrick 37

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Sharis Insurance Agency

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Rayville 7
Trimble 38
St. Joseph 3983
Liberty 1112
Agency 16
Elwood 28
Easton 13
Fair 4
Knoxville 30
Lewis and Clark Village 9
Colfax 23
Rush 43
Orrick 54